Consejo is an equal opportunity employer. All employees and potential employees will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, creed, national origin, ethnicity, political affiliation, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, political ideology, marital status (including committed unmarried relationships), age, veterans status, status as a breastfeeding mother, victim of sexual assault, domestic violence, any other protected class under state, federal or local law or the presence of any sensory, mental and physical disability unless the factor involved would, notwithstanding reasonable accommodation, prevent the proper performance of the work to be assigned. All applicants are screened and consideration is given to job-related criteria such as training, education, skills, interview, aptitudes, experience, and previous work record. Our Equal Employment Opportunity policy applies to all aspects of employment – recruitment, selection, training, promotion, demotion, transfer, compensation and benefits, layoff, recall, and termination. Employees are strongly urged to immediately report to Human Resources anything that may violate this policy. The Company prohibits retaliation against any employee who reports unlawful discrimination.

Please read before signing:

I understand that neither the completion of this application nor any other part of my consideration for internship establishes any obligation for Consejo to hire me. I understand that no representative of Consejo has the authority to make any assurance to the contrary.

I authorized Consejo Counseling and Referral Service to obtain a consumer report. I understand that inquiry may include, but not limited to: conviction records, motor vehicle records, credit checks, references, employment verification, education verification and copies of prior personnel files.

If any information I have provided is untrue, or if I have concealed material information, I understand that this will constitute cause for the denial of internship work or immediate dismissal.

I attest with my signature below that I have given to Consejo true and complete information on this application. No requested information has been concealed.